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15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Rojin Karickal • July 14, 2023

It is the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Matthew 13:1-23 presents the well-known Parable of the Sower, a profound teaching shared by Jesus. This passage invites us to reflect on the condition of our hearts as we receive and respond to God's word. The sower represents God, generously scattering seeds of truth and grace upon various types of soil, symbolizing different dispositions of human hearts. Some hearts may be hardened like a path, where the word cannot take root, while others may be shallow or thorny, hindering its growth. Yet, there are hearts like good soil that receive the word with openness and bear abundant fruit. This parable challenges us to examine our receptivity to God's message and prompts us to cultivate a fertile heart, receptive to His word, nurturing it with understanding, perseverance, and an eagerness to bear fruit in our lives.

This weekend is our Co-op Mission Sunday. We don’t have a speaker this year. However, I invite you to read the diocesan invitation to contribute to the mission. In the Diocese of Bridgeport, all the contributions gathered will be pooled and sent to support the missions equally. This collaborative system ensures that our support reaches those in need effectively. Thank you for considering donating to the mission appeal. We will be holding a second collection this weekend for the appeal. I am truly grateful for your continued support, care, and generosity in furthering the global mission of the Church. 

Yours Lovingly ~ Fr. Rojin 

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