Fr. Rojin • August 4, 2023
This weekend, we celebrate the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, based on the Scripture passage of Mt 17:1-9, offers a profound opportunity for reflection on the transformative power of divine revelation. The moment when Jesus took Peter, James, and John up the mountain and was transfigured before them, shining brilliantly with heavenly light, signifies the unveiling of his true nature and glory. This event reminds us of the significance of encountering God's presence in our lives, a moment of spiritual illumination where we see things from a new and clearer perspective. It is a reminder that amidst life's challenges and uncertainties, there are glimpses of divine beauty and purpose that can strengthen our faith and provide the courage to persevere. In our personal lives, practicing the theme of the Transfiguration means seeking moments of prayer and reflection where we can connect with the Divine and allow ourselves to be transformed from within. By cultivating a deeper understanding of God's presence in our lives, we can let go of our fears and doubts and embrace the fullness of our potential, just as Christ revealed his true self to the disciples. Through prayer, self-examination, and a willingness to grow in love and compassion, we can experience our own spiritual transfiguration, becoming more Christ-like in our thoughts, actions, and relationships.
Special Report on Upcoming Boiler Project at St. Jerome
My heart is heavy as I contemplate the upcoming boiler project at St. Jerome Church, for it represents not just a project but the embodiment of our cherished legacy. Built in 1962, our beloved church stands strong, yet the equipment within has aged and grown inefficient, its outdated state becoming evident in February when our loyal boilers, over 30 years in service, finally surrendered, leaving us amidst chaos and flooding. Expert advice left us no choice but to bid farewell to these faithful companions, and the noisy air handlers and inefficient control system further highlighted the urgency of this undertaking. Our oil bills soared, adding to the weight on our hearts. But with determination and hope, we must move forward, securing the church's future for generations to come, keeping its flame of faith alive for another two decades and beyond—a beacon of solace and community in our humble home.
When the realization dawned upon us that there was no alternative but to replace our aging heating and cooling system, we rallied together as a united team, determined to make this project a reality. Under the able leadership of John Valerie, supported by Joe Licek, Bill Sweeney, and John Wagner, we embarked on this crucial mission. The Parish Council and the Finance Council played pivotal roles, working hand in hand to bring the project to fruition swiftly, ensuring our church would be ready to embrace the impending winter. We reached out to four prominent companies in our neighborhood, and after meticulous evaluation, we selected the one best suited for the task. Knowing that this was a significant investment, surpassing $50,000, we appreciated the high-level protection and scrutiny offered by the diocese. The bishop and the diligent team of building commission members, comprising attorneys, architects, engineers, and insurance experts, among others, examined the proposals with utmost care before granting their final approval.
Now, let's delve into the crucial aspect of funding the project, which comes with a substantial price tag of $450,000. Admittedly, it is a massive amount to invest, but we firmly believe that it is an investment that will fortify the strength of our Parish for generations to come. To secure these funds, I took the initiative of reaching out to the donors of the "We Stand with Christ" campaign a few months ago, seeking their permission to redirect the campaign's goal towards the much-needed heating and cooling system for our church. To my immense satisfaction, not a single complaint was received in response, bolstering my confidence in proceeding with the project without asking for additional contributions from our valued supporters. Thanks to their unwavering generosity, we have already amassed over $350,000 from the campaign, which will be dedicated to this vital project. The remaining funds will be sourced from the prudent savings we have diligently accumulated over time. I must take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the donors of the "We Stand with Christ" campaign. Without their incredible support, we would have faced an overwhelming fundraising campaign, and our church's very survival could have been at stake. Their kindness and dedication have laid the foundation for a brighter, more sustainable future for our cherished Parish. Following their example, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the other parishioners who were unable to contribute to the We Stand with Christ campaign and would like to participate in our Boiler project. If you wish to be a part of this project, I invite you to make a contribution to St. Jerome and include a note specifying that it is for the Boiler project. It is important to me that everyone feels included and invested in the success of the project.
Now, let's turn our attention to the next steps that lie ahead. The eagerly awaited moment is upon us as the diocese is set to sign the contract with the vendor this week. It brings immense joy to know that the chosen vendor is none other than Jamie Marasco, a fellow member of our beloved Parish. Jamie's connection to our church goes back to the installation of the previous boilers, a legacy that spans over 30 years. This endeavor holds special significance for Jamie, as he now takes on the responsibility of replacing the old boilers with new ones, marking a milestone in our Parish's journey. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Jamie for his invaluable assistance in understanding the project's needs and guiding us forward.
The work is slated to commence within the next two weeks, and while it may cause some temporary inconvenience, we know it will be well worth it. The project is expected to span over a month, but the anticipation of having a more environmentally friendly system for our Parish is truly exciting. Not only will it save energy, but it will also significantly reduce our carbon footprint. As we witness the commencement of this endeavor, we look forward to a brighter, more sustainable future for our cherished Parish. Together, we embark on this journey, knowing that the positive impact it will have on our community and the environment will be felt for years to come.
As we progress, I will provide updates on additional details. I believe everyone is eager to witness the positive impact this will have on the parish building and its experience. Let us pray together for this to be a blessing and allow us to continue our worship for years to come. I express my gratitude for your continued support, love, and prayers. Yours Lovingly - Fr. Rojin.