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Weekly News Flash - 3.23.25

Office Hours this week Monday- Thursday 9-12 noon (closed on holidays).

Mass Book 2026   is now open and accepting mass requests.

The Stations of the Cross - Every Friday during lent at 6pm  followed by a meatless soup and bread.  Please sign up in church hall to bring a soup.

Mass Times

Weekend Masses

Saturday Vigil

4:00 PM, Year Round 


8:00 AM 

10:00 AM (live-streamed on Facebook)

April 12th  Communal Penance at 12PM

Visit and follow the St. Jerome Facebook page to join live. (Facebook account required.)

Past live events can also be watched again on our Facebook video page

Weekday Masses (Monday - Friday)

9:00 AM -Confession available after mass anytime upon request

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of benediction (Wednesday)

8:00 AM

​Holy Days of Obligation

9:00 AM &  7:00 PM

Sacrament of Reconciliation:

Saturdays – 3:00 – 3:30 PM, Year Round

Loving Christ, Loving Others

As members of St. Jerome Parish, we embrace the teachings and mission of Jesus Christ as Roman Catholics. Our duty as followers of Jesus is to spread the message of the Kingdom of God and strive towards its principles within our community and beyond. 

We prioritize worship, religious education, shared faith, and service as crucial aspects of our commitment. All individuals are welcome with open arms, and we treat everyone with respect, acceptance, and support.

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St. Jerome Church is on the left at the corner of East Rocks Road and Half Mile Road. Please ENTER the parking lot from East Rocks Road because Half Mile Road is exit only.

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